Read2gether is a national campaign to raise awareness about Recreational Reading for 10 minutes a day, and the importance of reading on human development, especially in the Kindergarten through 12th Grade years by providing every K-12 student in the United States eLibrary cards, at no cost, for the next 3 years. The Read 2gether Foundation is dedicated to assisting children and young adults a way to discover books using technology and access to over 3 million ebooks and documents. The main goal of this Read 2gether Foundation campaign is to bring back the joy of daily Recreational Reading.
The 2022 Read2gether Foundation Literacy campaign is working hard to make sure every student has access to all the eLiterature they could ever read.
Through partnerships with School eBook Library and the World Heritage Encyclopedia and funding from local corporations, the Read2gether Foundation Foundation has underwritten eLibrary cards for every K-12 student in Hawaii so they can access eBooks at no cost.
School eBook Library is providing access to it's full library of over 3 million audio books, eBooks, tutorials, graphic novels as well as full membership to World Heritage Encyclopedia with over 6 million articles, edited, peer reviewed and
professionally curated.
Our hope is that students will find a love for reading and learning that will carry on with them, chartering their course in life.
At Read2gether Foundation we believe that access to literature is essential. Our goal is to make books instantly available, always accessible and easily portable at no cost to the student
All children deserve the the gift of reading, to learn, to imagine and bond with family members.
Books provide the method
Children are our future...
In accordance with the criteria set forth by the Department of Education in 34 CFR Subtitle B, Chapter II (Docket ED-2009-OESE-0006) RIN 1810-AB07 Race to the Top Fund, the Read2gether Foundation is providing eBooks, articles, journals, audio books and tutorials to all k-12 students. school ebook library and world heritage encyclopedia will help create the "conditions for innovation and reform; to achieve significant improvement in student outcomes, including making substantial gains in student achievement, close achievement gaps; improve high school graduation rates; and help ensure students are prepared for success in college and careers.
Read2gether Foundation is an organization that believes every child deserves a bright future, and studies have proven that it begins at home. By simply reading at least 10 minutes a day together, families can help to ensure their children are encouraged to dream, imagine and reach their full potential.
At Read2gether Foundation we believe the single most important thing a parent can do to help their child succeed in school, and life, and to instill a love of learning is to read out loud together.
The 2022 Read2gether Foundation Literacy Campaign is working hard to make sure every student has access to all the eLiterature they could ever read.
Through partnership with School eBook Library, World Heritage Encyclopedia and funding from donors and corporate sponsors, the Read2gether Foundation has underwritten eBook Library cards for every K-12 student in Hawaii.
School eBook Library is providing access to the full library of over 3 million eBooks. audio books, novels, tutorials and videos as well as full membership to World Heritage Encyclopedia with over 6 million articles, professionally curated, edited and peer reviewed.
Our Hope is that students will find a love for reading and learning that will carry on with them, chartering their course in life. At Read2gether Foundation we believe that access to literature is essential. Our goal is to make books instantly available and easily portable at no cost.
The ability to read is the most basic aspect of knowledge sharing. It is the basis for further learning and has become a key indicator in assessing the quality of education students receive. In order to increase literacy levels we must make literature more accessible through the technology of eBooks..
At the Read2gether Foundation we believe literacy is extremely important and we feel that reading eBooks on smart devices is the most successful way to engage young readers today.
School Library is an website with a database of over 9 million articles, eBooks, audio books, journals, tutorials and videos for students K-12, that is professionally curated and age appropriate. School eBook Library was designed to make literature more accessible and encourage students to broaden their minds, imaginations and vocabulary.
At Read2gether Foundation we believe the single most important thing a parents can do to help their child succeed in school, and life, and to instill a love of learning is to read together.
The World Heritage Encyclopedia is the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and the most definitive collection ever assembled.
We believe the Common Core Standards are important, and that is why at you'll find tools to help improve student performance, strengthen teacher effectiveness, and maximize the use of your technology. We are proud to support learning for all grade levels, from K-12, with a user-friendly interface and grade appropriate content. World Heritage Encyclopedia has aligned itself with the Common Core and State Standards to ensure all of the nonfiction content needed by any student could be found, all in one place.
Every month thousands of new articles, images, and multimedia elements are added. is a live collaboration differing from paper-based reference sources in important ways. Unlike printed encyclopedias, we are continually created and updated, with articles on historic events appearing within minutes, rather than months or years. is fully accessible on a tablet, smartphone, laptop, desktop computer, or any Internet-connected device with a Web browser.
"The only way we are ever going to get rid of the problem of adult illiteracy is to create a generation of young readers"
- Wally Amos, of Cookie Fame, Read it LOUD! founder and literacy advocate
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